Friday, 16 November 2012

New coat

When you have to wear a coat to keep warm, why not look stylish? I was looking for a simple and classic black coat for a long time. And it's really hard to find a good percentage of wool in a coat.
I finally  found this one in Zara about week ago. The cut is very classic, and I can easily layer under it.This will last me many years without looking dated. It's versatile and would add a touch of class to whatever you were wearing.
And today is my father's birthday. I truly have the best father in the world. Happy Birthday to the best man on the earth. You’re a role model and my inspiration.

 Coat  and skirt: Zara/ Leather boots: Astra/ Infinity scarf: Waikiki/ Shirt: Pimky/ Tights:Lindex


  1. Kaput je divno divan! Kao i ti! <3

  2. Great post dear!!
    I like the new coat :))

  3. Love the scarf! Looks warm and comfy!

  4. So cute outfit! That scarf brings so much colour and is amazing accent! And I loove the shirt under the coat :)

  5. Jao, čizme su mrak. Jesu li od prije ili se još mogu naći? Koliko si bile, okvirno? Baš su dobre. I ostalo, naravno, kaput i šal. :-)

    1. Hvala ti na divnom komentaru. Čizme sam kupila prošle zime i jako brzo su se prodale. Ja sam svoje tražila po cijelom gradu dok nisam našla svoj broj. Bile su između 200-250KM, vjeruj mi da se ne sjećam više tačne cijene :/
      Mislim da još uvijek možeš naći neki približan model u Astri. Vidjela sam ovako duboke crne do koljena u Retru. Pogledaj na (vidjela sam neke sa malom kopčom sa strane) i na


  6. Ma prelijepa si!!
    Kaput je diva. Zara nikad ne razočara :)

  7. Prelijepa si! Outfit je bas po mom ukusu, sve mi se svidja!



Thank you all, for your lovely comments! I appreciate and read every single one of them. It really means a lot to me <3